The culture of a company is the sum of the behaviors of all its people.

Michael Kouly

Core Values:

Our core values come through our own definition of Grit: Leading by Example, Being a Forever Student, Being One Team, Acting with Integrity, and Creating an Environment Where Communication & Vulnerability are the Norm

Leadership by Example

Building a successful company starts with leadership. Leaders who portray the best example convey consistency and share success. Our job is to empower others and put them in the best position possible to be successful by identifying their strengths and turning them into superpowers.

We Are One Team

By operating under a merit-based system, we are a company that allows for an equal playing field; We value ideas over hierarchy. We understand that we can only build a successful team that values honesty and integrity if we show fairness to each of our employees. All of our decisions made as a company are thought through with this principle in mind.

Create an Environment Where Communication and Vulnerability are the Norm

Here at Gritstone, we believe that the best way to build relationships is through honest communication. Communication is the best way to build trust, and when we create a space that allows for trust within our team, it leads to real coaching and development with compassion.

Be a Forever Student

What makes Gritstone different is that we encourage and assist in the ongoing development of our employees. Our team continually pursues growth in both knowledge and skill. We empower our team to try new things and make mistakes because we believe that that is where real learning and growth begin.

Act with Integrity

The most successful people understand that acting with integrity yields the best results. At Gritstone, we believe that true success comes from feeling good about what you do, and how you do it. We believe in doing what we say we’re going to do and holding ourselves accountable to set the best example possible.